(all programs run for 1hr)


6:30pm - Develop Your Psychic & Intuitive Gifts with Gada Jane

8:15pm- Candle Magick with Mary Vivilecchia

8:30pm- An Evening with Spirit with Vicki Silva



10:30am- The History of Magical Herbs

11:00am- Moon Moves Yoga Flow

12:00pm- Introduction to Mediumship

12:30pm - Healing through sound & Crystal Connection

1:30pm - Decode Your Soul Purpose

2:00pm - How to Cast & Create Your Own Spells



3:00pm- Generating Energy for Manifestation

3:30pm- Connecting with Your ‘Clairs’: Understanding the (easy) way your 'woo-woo' works for you

4:30pm- The Wheel of the Year: The Magick of the Sabbats

5:45pm - Unveiling the Mysteries of the Tarot with the Major Arcana

6:30pm - The Witches Circle: Celebrating Beltane

7:50pm - Light Spectrum Astrology



Develop Your Psychic & Intuitive Gifts

In this session, you will learn the basics of Intuitive Practice, a mindfulness-based method for developing intuitive and psychic abilities. This is an active practice centered around tuning into your inner experience in order to enable your intuitive language to naturally reveal itself to you. Intuitive Practice is designed to help you understand what your body and intuition are telling you just by relaxing and noticing what you feel and sense. It is complementary with other practices including Tarot, Reiki, spiritual practices and other methods of psychic and intuitive reading. Open to all skill levels/experience levels. (Included: Handouts).

Candle Magick

Ever wondered about candle magick? Join Mary as we take a dive into the magick that can be manifested by simply lighting a candle. We will go through the history and folklore surrounding the origins of candle magic including candle making, meanings of colors, pyromancy, flame meanings and more! Learn how manifesting your dreams with a small flame can achieve fireworks in your life! (Included: Handouts & small gift)

An Evening With Spirit

An evening of Evidential Mediumship awaits you as we connect the two realms and enjoy messages from the other side! Join Vicki, a Medium, Psychic, and Crystal Connoisseur as she brings evidence that our loved ones are still very much with us. Although Vicki cannot guarantee that all attendees will receive a personal message from their love ones, Spirit always has a way of giving messages that heal multiple people at once. So bring an open mind and heart. Join Vicki for what's sure to be an uplifting evening!                                             

The History of Magical Herbs

For centuries, people have used flowers, herbs, roots and other plant material for many different spiritual and medicinal purposes. Plants offer a unique ability to both support us externally with the energies they carry, and internally when used for their medicinal properties.

This workshop is introductory and will begin with some of the most used plant allies in witchcraft that you can find or grow easily in our unique growing climate, as well as some folkloric history about each plant. We will then take a look at herbal plant allies that are most commonly used in teas and tinctures to fight things like common colds, boost the immune system or soothe chapped or irritated skin. (included: Handouts and small gift).

Moon Moves Yoga Flow

A slow flow and grounding yoga class based on the energy in the sky (Sun in Taurus, Moon in Pisces) as we practice. flow, stretch and unwind. All levels welcomed.  Please bring your own yoga mat.  (Yoga Mats are not provided)                                    

An Introduction to Mediumship

Have you ever wanted to communicate with the departed? Do you have questions for your loved ones who have passed on? Or maybe you’re just curious about what happens after we die? Mediumship is the ability to communicate with the spirit world, and it’s an innate skill that anyone can improve. While it may seem daunting initially, mediumship can be pretty easy and even fun with a bit of practice. This easy-to-understand workshop will teach you everything you need about mediumship, including how to develop your psychic abilities, recognize and work with your spirit guides, and scry and channel energy. (Included: Handouts)

Healing Through Sound & Crystal Connection

This workshop will involve crystal sound bowl healing aimed at balancing our chakras. Participants will be introduced to the benefits of sound healing, receive an overview of the connections between chakras and our emotional physical and spiritual body and will take part in a guided sound healing meditation. Participants will also be given a reiki infused crystal to place on one of their chakras to enhance the experience. Once the sound healing meditation is completed, participants will have the opportunity to share their experience with the wider group to allow for connection and will be invited to take part in intuitive journaling to end their practice. The room and all participants will also be held in reiki energy to enhance their experience. (Included: Handouts)

Decode Your Soul Purpose: Learn Your Natal Chart Basics Workshop

Have you ever wondered what your natal chart or zodiac sign says about your soul purpose? Decode your natal chart is a beginner friendly workshop to learn the basics of astrology! Your natal chart is a picture of what the sky looked like at the exact moment of your birth (very important to know your date, time and location) and can be called a Soul Blueprint. With the knowledge of the elements, zodiac signs, planets and houses you’ll leave with a new spiritual discovery tool and a deeper self-awareness and understanding! (Included: Handouts)

How to Cast & Create Your Own Spells spells.

How to create and cast your own spells for beginners provides everything you need to know about starting your own magical practice with clear, concise instruction. Learn how to gather your tools and ingredients, set intentions, cast a circle of protection, and perform your spell with confidence. (Included: Handouts)

Generating Energy for Manifestation

Manifestation is a simple formula: emotion + energy + intent. If any component is missing, your manifestation goals will not be realized. In this interactive workshop, you’ll learn the importance of your emotions and how they impact manifesting. The biggest part of manifestation work is generating energy and this is the key component of this workshop. We’ll practice 3 different energy-generating methods. Finally, we’ll discuss how to create a clear intent for manifestation. We’ll also dive into the impact of stress on manifestation work. At the end of this workshop, you’ll have the tools to immediately apply to manifesting your passion. (Included: Handouts)

Connecting with Your ‘Clairs’’’

Understanding the (easy) way your 'woo-woo' works for you. This 1-hour workshop will guide attendees through an exercise to determine how their intuition (or woo-woo) works for them by identifying their dominant and secondary 'Clairs'. They'll learn about each of the 4 main Clairs, how to know when they're in balance/out of balance with their woo-woo and what they can do to practice and connect to their Clairs everyday to deepen their trust in its guidance. (Included: Handouts).

The Wheel of the Year: The Magick of the Sabbats

Embark Upon a Magickal Journey Into the World of the Witch.  The Sabbats are the Witch's holidays--they are our 'holy-days', and are among the most quintessential of all practices in the Craft. They are a time for celebration, gratitude, ritual and magick.

Within this workshop you will be provided with instruction and inspiration for honoring each of the modern witch’s sabbats.  Packed with spells, rituals, history, invocations, recipes, crafts, and more.

Devoting our attention to the Wheel of the Year allows us to better attune ourselves to the energetic cycles of nature and listen to the what each season is whispering to us! (Included: Handouts & small gift)

The Journey of a Lifetime: Unveiling the Mysteries of the Tarot with the 22 Major Arcana

In this enlightening session, participants will embark on a journey through the 22 Major Arcana cards, delving into their rich symbolism and exploring their profound significance in our daily lives. In this workshop you will be exploring and uncovering the fascinating history of the tarot deck and its evolution over time. Card-by-Card analysis thorough examination of each Major Arcana card, revealing the unique lessons and insights they offer. Connect the archetypal themes of the Major Arcana to real-life experiences, demonstrating how these timeless symbols mirror our personal journeys.

This interactive session, participants will be organized into groups. Each group will be assigned one Major Arcana card, encouraging them to share and reflect on how the themes of that card resonate in their lives. This interactive element aims to deepen the understanding of the tarot's relevance in diverse contexts. (Included: Handouts)

The Witches Circle: Celebrating Beltane

Beltane, one of the eight Sabbats of the pagan Wheel of the Year, is a celebration of the arrival of spring, new beginnings, and fertility. It's a time to honor the sacred union between the god and the goddess and to welcome the warmth and abundance of the season. In this enchanting workshop we will take you on a journey to connect with Beltane traditions.  We will focus on the history and significance of Beltane, how to create a dedicated Altar, candles, crystals, herbs, oils, and more. 

Included in this workshop: Creating your own Beltane Flower Crown – all materials will be provided for you. 

Light Spectrum Astrology

During this workshop, we will systematically explore how the Nature of God exists, the Astrological relationship between the Electromagnetic Light Spectrum, the Elements of Matter and Consciousness as well as how the current Astrology is lighting the way for a grand awakening and remembering of divine enlightenment. You will discover the relevance of the non-physical, how physicality is an effect and the importance of connecting to the Light of your Higher-Self, Soul, Spirit Guides as a conscious partnership and resource. Your Soul is eternal and chose to participate during this massive paradigm shift of consciousness; as the Avatar of your Soul, you have free-will in if, when and how that plays out. (Included: handouts)